Tuesday, October 7, 2008

The things that race in my head

So my brother called me yesterday and asked me what was going on with me that I was not saying. Well I totally unloaded on him. I understand the need to get things moving in the right directions whatever topic is being refered to. My problem comes in with everything needs to be done ASAP. Or at least that is how my mind works.

I know I have so much that I have to get done in a course of a school day and it never fails that when all of those tasks are completed, 10 more come to you in the last hour of the day. Anyone else feel that way?

Then there are the items that are on the "Honey Do" list that is always growing. It just seems as though there are not enough hours in the day to get this all completed.

Does anyone feel that life gets in the way of our relationships? And they suffer? How can it be avoided? I am trying to learn to say NO to some requests and invitations. But it never fails that I seem as though I over book myself.

I so want to sit on my deck and read a book or lay in the sunshine and read a book. But I can't seem to find the time or ease my mind away from everything else I need to do. I started thinking about this entry this morning when I woke up. I guess I need to get this out.

I don't want to be 5th in line of things that need to be dealt with. I need to take care of ME first and then see where everyone else fits in.

I don't want to try and fit in my 6th year anniversy into my partners secondary work schedule.

I want to spend as much time at lunch on Saturday with my father and Betty because I have not seen them in a few months.

I am starting to learn patience...... I am at least trying....... I sometimes have the philosophy, I want it now and I need it now. I am trying to slow down but it is difficult.

I am off to yet another meeting.......... I hope to see all of you this weekend. "I'm coming out.... " and you all better watch out.


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