Friday, September 19, 2008

18-25 Generation

I am tapping into my brother's blog. He mentioned going back to college and how the younger generation is SCARRY. Well I really have to agree with him. Here is why. I see the youth of today and the future leaders in my classroom every day. I am scared a lot of the time but there are those times they really do surprise me and do some problem solving.

That is the topic for today: How to Problem Solve.

Problem solving is a higher level thinking skill. I have first hand experience in my classroom and at home how that does not always work. I have been guilty of being caught up in solving the problems of others and not letting them think through it on their own. That is really how I got the name Dr. Small. I problem solve for my students, at times, and I have problem solved for a 22 and 20 year old. I have also problem solved for my partner, who is older. Does that make me part of the problem? Or do I help the situation by giving a new perspective on the dilemna? I really don't know. But I do know that if make a suggestion on how to solve the problem and the person does not act on it, it pisses me off.

Why does it piss me off? Mainly because I feel as though I really come up with some great solutions and if they are not used then I feel as though my time was wasted. I have no idea if that is logical. Probably not because, even though I might like to think I am always right, I am not.

A group of us talked about this issue last night. Here is what I suggested, when someone asks you what they should do, ask them back, "Well if you were asking me to give you advice about the same situation, what would you tell me?" Flip it around so they think about it and don't give into the tempation of solving their problem.

That is just my two cents for a Friday. Have a great weekend. We all deserve it.


Rodney Bequette said...

About time!!

Where in the hell you been? And now you are Blog Hustling for topics?

I love you Dr. Small and I will tell you the reason you are the way you are.

Simple pimple.

You care.

That emotes from your voice, your eyes, your soul...

you are a strong, intelligent woman who is not afraid (even if you are-NO ONE- but us select few are ever going to know!) Fearless, protective and caring.

Why wouldn't you think people would want you to help with their problems. Especially those that are fortunate enough to have you in their life!

I personally welcome your opinion. I learned a long time ago it is just easier for me to listen than to fall FLAT on my face! You know what I am talking about.

I thank God for you everyday.....I am sure I am just one of many humans on this planet that are thankful for your presence!

you big hooker!

brother rod!

Laura said...

You are way too kind. I look back on my life and I see four people that have been instrumental in making me the person that I am. My mom and dad and then my grandpa and grandma Small. My grandmother was a very independent woman, she was taken from us at a very young age and I really wish that I was able to learn more from her. She was the best cook and she was a rebel as well. I think that is where I get the fearlessness.

I remember hearing how she would but a doll in my crib and my grandfather took it out and put a ball glove in the crib and this went back and forth for a little bit and then my grandfather finally told her to not reach for the glove. I think that is the only time she backed down. I am glad she did because I did become one hell of a catcher.

I treasure the days at my grandparents house. They were genuine and real. No pretenses. That is what I am trying to do with my life. I don't want to be pretensious and I don't want to put myself around people who are.