Pride 2008 was a blast. I really can't believe that we pulled off a pirate ship in two days. It is amazing what creative minds can do with scrap wood. The only thing we really bought was the paneling. I was thinking plywood and then painting the plywood but a wise woman suggested paneling. It totally looked like a pirate ship. I will attempt to add pictures to show you what I am talking about.

Look at these cuties!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

One day, I was at one of my local places that I frequent and I asked the owners, what about a float for Pride? Wouldn't that be fun? The owner said, that would be great but we have no time to put that together. Well I had a few rum drinks so I volunteered to put this whole thing together. Terri was in for it as well. So we started planning and within two weeks we had a pirate ship. As you can see, we have a cannon, we have pirates and we had BEADS!!!! Here are some of the other pictures.

All in all the pirate ship was a success. On our first attempt, we not only made the best pirate ship but we also won First Place for BEST FLOAT!!!!. I want to say thanks for all of the people that took time out of their lives to help us all have some fun.
Amazing! 2 days?! Good job, crew! And congratulations on winning best float! Now, what are you going to do for NEXT year?
I am very inpressed that you figured out how to put pictures on the page. :)
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