Monday, May 19, 2008

Jerry Springer Weekend

It was one of those weekend's that you want to forget but you just can't. On Friday, I had a full day. I went to work, physical therapy, dinner with friends and then out for a few beers. My body was exhausted by 9 P.M. so I decided to go home and go to bed. I was all alone in the house. No tv to bother me, no young adults walking in their bedroom that happens to be above my head and I turned off my phone. I was ready for much needed deep sleep. And then it happened, I was just about asleep and then I get jolted awake by "SHUT THE FUCK UP AND GET YOUR ASS IN THE CAR, I AM NOT PLAYING WITH YOU". Well I tried to ignore it, but then it kept going. So I was curious, who the hell was making this type of noise at 10 p.m. on a Friday night? So I got up, looked out the window and saw my next door neighbor's argueing with what appeared to be a relative to one of them. Well as I listened and watched because there was no sleep happening right then, I figured out that something happened inside of the house to what I assumed was to the lady's son. I have no idea what it was but apparently one sister hit the other sister in the mouth. The boyfriend of the sister was trying to get her into the car and had her in a head lock several times. She was actually in the car at one point and he got in and I was hoping it would be over BUT NO. HOOSIER ASS GOT OUT OF THE CAR AND WAS BEGGING HER SISTER TO COME OUT OF THE HOUSE TO FIGHT HER IN THE MIDDLE OF THE STREET.
Neighbor's came over to try to calm them all down, but next time the police will be called. I was tired of watching the Jerry Springer show outside my bedroom window, so I put ear plugs in and went to sleep. I slept like a rock.

Then Sunday night, we hear a loud truck in the street. So we opened the front door and saw a fire truck. Someone lit a mattress on fire in the back alley, across the street. Well welcome to the neighborhood, this should be an interesting summer.

That was my Jerry Springer weekend. I hope you all had a more interesting one.

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